At IndyVTwin, providing you unparalleled customer service is our number one priority. Our customers are comfortable with their purchase long after they ride out of our doors. IndyVTwin offers an extensive inventory of hand selected used motorcycles including, but not limited to Harley-Davidson®'s and custom choppers.
Our experienced team is 100% committed to helping customers through every step of their buying experience. Our inventory descriptions are accurate and detailed, and include extensive photos and videos to ensure your confidence.
IndyVTwin | Parts Department
We supply products for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles in Indianapolis, Indiana, through stocking Dealers and Repair Shops. We have access for hard to find parts for engine and transmission rebuilding, carburetors, chassis, fork components and wheels.
We can supply many OEM brand replacement items including Timken bearings, Hastings rings and Wagner lighting. Our distribution lines include Accel, Corbin-Gentry, S&S Products, Barnett, Bendix, Primo, Manley, Rowe, Crane, Russell, Andrews, James and many others.
IndyVTwin | Accessories Department
We have your motorcycle accessories when it's time to customize your bike or just give it some added functionality. Any big box motorcycle store may have some of the items you're looking for, but shopping for motorcycle accessories with us gives you access to personable service and the largest selection possible.
Choose bags, packs, flags, or choose accessories that will ramp up your bike's performance. Accessories that combine style and function such as new grips or a trailer, especially if you spend a lot of time on your motorcycle.
IndyVTwin | Service Department
The credibility of our Service Department is absolutely astounding. Specializing in stock and high performance motorcycles, we are equipped to make your motorcycle suitable for you and your taste. We have top factory-trained technicians on duty during all business hours.
We honor extended warranty work. We accommodate any type of problem that may arise with your motorcycle in an efficient, precise, and timely manner.